Recent book from Stanford University PressStanford University Press recently published Informal Politics: Street Vendors and the State in Mexico City by John C. Cross, Ph.D.. This groundbreaking book details over 6 years of ethnographic and historical research into the political dynamics of street vending in the largest city in the world. This book offers the first major treatment of the "Political Economy of the Informal Economy" and provides a critique of current theories of the state and of social movements, particularly with respect to developing nations. Buy you
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Edited collection on Street Vending To be published inInternational Journal of Sociology and Social Planning
(Proposed covers designed by Domenick Dellino, one of the authors.) A collection of papers on stret vendors ansd street markets co-edited by John Cross, Steve Balkin (Roosevelt University) and Alfonso Morales (University of Arizona) will be published in a special double issue of the International Journal of Sociology and Social Planning. This collection brings together excellent articles on the dynamics of street vending in 11 different countries and on four continents, from Africa, Europe, Latin America and North America. With participation by scholars from sociology, anthropology, economics and political science, these works reveal street vending as an economic, social, cultural and political phenomena in the post-modern world. Information on ordering the journal will be available soon You can view the draft introduction at this time to get an idea of the nature of this exciting new field. This new journal edition builds on work done by the editors on the internet, where they formed the first website for street markets around the world, theOPENAIR MARKET NET. |
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