Abundant Harvest- Excerpts from book on Fresno's Vineyard Farmers Market by Sharon Young
Annual Report - Plummer Park Farmers Market, West Hollywood, California
Bargain Mall Guide to Flea Markets in the U.S.
Bhendi Bazar: Mumbai's Little Pakistan
Bibliography about marketplaces and street vendor issues.
Big Book, Search for flea markets by entering "Flea Market" as category .
The Business of Herbs, by Laura Z. Clavio (Utilizing Farmers Markets as market for Herbs).
Camera Collecting at Flea Markets, by Maurizio Frizziero
China's Free Markets
(Farmers' Markets) -A Photo Tour by Ditty Deamer
Community Supported Agriculture at EcoVillage, Ithaca, N.Y., by John and Jennifer Boaker-Smith
Concerning the regulation of farmers' markets in the U.S. by Amy Todd
Confessions of a Flea Market Junkie by Gabrielle Shannon (from Urban Desire Interactive Magazine)
Court rules the street vendor's constitutional rights violated. by Randy Lemmerman (Oregon Daily Emerald, 11/4/94)
Cromer's P-nuts, History of a peanut business - including farmers' market and peddler story.
The Demise of an Urban Market: Does it matter? Who cares? by Carolyn Eastwood
FarmMARKET (Guide and Clearinghouse) - The National Urban Market Center at Purdue U.
Farmers Doubters, what's really homegrown, by Richard Sine
Farmer's Market: a peddlers' paradise, by Karen Schwartz
Farmers Market Guides by Sally Bernstein
Farmers' Market Produce Prices: A Multivariate Analysis by Bill Blake
Farmers' Markets in Massachusetts
Farmers Working Together for a Fair and Honest Market Place by Callie Bowdish
First Monday Trade
Days - 100 year history of a market by Bettee Avann
Five Top Farmers Markets , from Good Housekeeping
Flea Markets - The Concept; Shopping Tips; Advice for First Time Sellers.
Food From The 'Hood - Planting Seeds, Harvesting Scholarships - South Central LA
Food Vendor Truck Operator (human interest story)
Fragmented Economies and Arabbers by Curtis Price
French markets - types of markets and schedules
Goodridge's Guides To Flea Markets - info on four regional U.S. editions
That Great Good Place , by Catherine Seipp (L.A. farmers market)
Great Quotes about Open Air Markets
Hastings, Nebraska Farmer's Market by Andy Raun
Hunts Point Market future clouded, from Bronx Beat Online.
I Don't Care Much for Watermelon a poem by Craig C. Bailey
Informal Cyberspace - John Cross's
papers on informal sector, small business, Mexico and Egypt
The Informal Economy in Latin America: Def., Measurement & Policies, by A. Portes & R. Schauffler
Images of Istanbul by Walter and Cherie Glaser Immigrant Entrepreneurs Remaking Georgia Avenue by Rosario Negusse
The Internet Resale Directory, guide to secondhand, surplus and salvage.
Jewish Market, and Jewish Scrap Vendor, by William Kurelek .
Jewtown - Chap. 10 in How The Other Half Lives by Jacon Riis (1900).
Lucy's Greenmarket
Report - Frequently updated report on the Union Greenmarket in New
Koti Bazaar, a poem by Geeta Dharmarajan
Lee's Flea Market Guide by Lee Smith (listing of flea markets by state or event)
The Low Cost of High Chairs: Flea Markets are Irresistible by R. Erickson
Market Day, a poem by Amy Lowell
Market in Wadi Natrun, Egypt (Also select "NEXT" at bottom of page)
Market Day at the Rocks, by Marjorie Crowley
Market Nurturing Run Amok by Jane Jacobs
Market Values, gourmet chef discusses farmers market produce, by A.J. Szenda
a song by Hugh Masekaleh
Markets, Libraries, and the Internet by Gregory E. Williams, Libraries For The Future
Marrakesh Night Market, a poem / song lyric by Loreena McKennitt
Maxwell Street Cyber-Trilogy - An Urban Cultural Saga in Three Home Pages.
Maxwell Street Jimmy Davis Memorial Home Page
Menlo Park's farmers market continues
Microenterprise News - news, views,
features related to the informal sector
A Month of Sundays, by Migdalia Martinez-Marcus (street markets in South America)
A Morning at the Pasar Tani (Malaysian Farmer's Market) by Saiful
The Mysterious Street Vendors -- A glimpse of life on the streets of Tokyo, by Liz Chisholm and Emily Wolahan
The New York Pushcart Commission (1906)
Now Women Traders in Durban Fight For Their Rights by Farouk Chothia (from Electronic Mail&Guardian)
Policy related Usenet postings and E-mail regarding open-air markets.
Promoting Local Markets: An Excerpt from South Africa's Rural Development Strategy of the Government of National Unity, Pretoria, 12 October 1995.
Public Markets and Community Revitalization (excerpts) by Theodore Spitzer and Hilary Baum
Red Hill Community Market - Mornington Peninsula, Australia - multi-link history and description of a market.
Reflections on Stabroek Market, Georgetown, Guyana, by Moira F. Croy
Saturday Market: A Historical Perspective.
Sell What You Sow! The Grower's Guide To Produce Marketing (excerpts) + 50 Farm Marketing Tips by Eric Gibson
Sharing The Wealth - short essay about Mexican beggars by Stan Gotlieb
Street Foods: Urban Food and Employment in Developing Countries - new book by I. Tinker
Street Performers Around the World
Street Vendor - Business and Industry Profile by IL Dept. of Commerce
Vendors in Public Spaces in Historic Downtown Mexico City (in English
and Spanish) by Mauricio Ibarra Deras
The Unofficial Swapmeet Directory
Testament & Image of Clyde 'Kingfish' Smith (1943) - Harlem Street Vendor
Thailand's Markets Detailed descriptions of the many market areas of Thailand
Travelocity Worldwide Marketplace Guide
USDA Wholesale and Alternative Markets Program
USDA RETAIL farmers market guide
USDA WHOLESALE farmers market guide
USDA Wholesale produce prices - through U. of Kentucky and GAIN
The Value of Benefits of a Public Street Market - Maxwell Street (excerpts) by A. Morales, S. Balkin, and J. Persky.
Visit to an Egyptian Camel Market by Steve Coryell
What's Ripe - what's in season and price report from markets in 12 major U.S. cities (by Epicurious)
When a Street Market Supports the Shopping Center - a discussion of the value of street markets for formal shopping centers by Australian town planner Peter Reynders
Why New York City Is Arresting Artists by Robert Lederman
WPA Life Histories Project (Library of Congress Historic Collection). Enter a search query using a term such as 'market', 'peddler', or 'vendor'. Among the material to be found are 'Street Cries and Criers of New York (1938)' and 'Life in the Harlem Markets (1938)'.
Other Cyber Journals
Farmer's Market Online - a combined cyber journal and virtual farmers market -- for small-scale family farms and ranches, or producers of specialty foods and crafts.
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