"Return the Maxwell Street Market to Its Old Home" Home Page

It's still not too late to reestablish this national treasure!

provided through OPENAIR-MARKET NET

Much has been destroyed but enough is left at the old site that it is feasible and worthwhile to restore it. See for yourself . Visit the area in real space or cyber space. The vast unused-on-Sunday UIC parking lots (01) (02) and streets east of Halsted make a fine slate for the market to return. Other cities are using open air markets as a catalyst for urban redevelopment. Why not here?

The old Maxwell Street Market was destroyed in September of 1994 by the University of Illinois at Chicago. To contain political backlash, the City created a new Maxwell Market on Canal Street and Roosevelt Road, about ¾ of a mile East of the old market.

It's never too late to try to save a national treasure -- a working enterprise zone that truly serves the poor, and a landmark of Blues, arguably the real birthplace of Rock n'Roll. The area, at Maxwell and Halsted, has been cleaned up and we now have a superb regulator/supervisor for the new market, Commissioner of Consumer Services, Caroline Schoenberger. A bank slate has been created with the large expansive parking lots placed there by the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) -- no one parks there on Sunday. UIC is in such a sorry state of physical disrepair, it's not going to build anything new for at least a generation. We changed our thinking about the malling of the Loop; we can change our thinking about Maxwell Street too!

The Market's move back to "Sweet Home" Maxwell Street would do several things for the people of Chicago. It could lead to the saving and restoration of the landmark St. Francis of Assisi Church so Chicago's large Mexican-American immigrant community can have their church and community center back. Never have I seen a church so packed with so many people and with such an atmosphere of religions piety. I know this church touches the hearts of many people, including many non-Catholics.

Second, it can save the Roosevelt/Halsted Business district. Studies have shown that business has been significantly down since the Market left. A return of the Market will return business to this once vital and historic area and it will greatly improve the job and shopping opportunities for people in the adjacent neighborhoods.

Third, it can lead to the creation of a National Historic District. The only thing left of the old Market area is but a few blocks and a few buildings. Those places can be easily and cheaply incorporated into the UIC expansion area. This Maxwell Street Historic District would be an international tourist attraction. Lets stop the Second City mentality and be first rate again with first rate urban planning and public policy. The Loop will be reverting to its old self by getting de-malled. Let's do something similar for Maxwell Street. What was bad about it, the filth and the lack of supervision, has been fixed.

The Maxwell Street Market is now fixed. Let us return the legendary Market to its old home location and start afresh in a spirit of respect for and conciliation with our inner city entrepreneurial sprit. The soul of the immigrant/ethnic group struggle for survival, which is the foundation of Chicago, beckons us to bring Maxwell Street back from the grave. It's never too late to right a wrong.

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