10/15/95 in Resources for Economists on the Internet - Single Subject Servers
10/27/95 in Tipsheet by Web Review
10/31/95 in What's New in EZ/EC (Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Community - USDA; HUD)
11/10/95 in IGC's EcoNet Environmental Issues Resource Center - Sustainable Development; Agriculture and Trade
11/12/95 in Argus-U of M Clearinghouse for Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides; Social Sciences & Social Issues; Arts and Entertainment.
11/13/95 as a Pavilion in the Internet 1996 World Exposition - World's Fair for the Information Age. OPENAIR-MARKET NET welcomes visitors from the Internet 1996 World's Fair.
11/14/95 in OneWorld Online
11/22/95 in One Useful Thing/One Cool Thing by Teleport
11/29/95 named one of the Top Ten WWW Sites for Small Business - December 1995. (First American GPA)
12/15/95 in WebEc - World Wide Web Resources in Economics - Microeconomics
2/26/96 in lead article in TELETYPE, the Daily Retro News
3/12/96 in Institute for Retail Studies at U of Stirling (UK) - Academic and Commercial Sites
5/18/96 in Yahoo: Recreation/Travel/General Information
7/96 receives a
rating by Argus Clearinghouse.
7/29/96 as Coolest Travel Site of the Week in Cyber Adventures
8/12/96 in Yahoo!'s Picks of the Week
10/15/96 in The Food Resource (Oregon State U.) - Marketing References and Information
1/21/97 receives NetGuide's Best of the Web Gold