Abstract of Handbook for Establishing and Operating Farmer's Markets
agAccess: dedicated to sustainable agriculture
World Hunger - links to websites about hunger issues
The Agora in the Greek and Roman Cities of Western Turkey
Agricultural Economics Virtual Library
- worlds largest searchable agricultural WWW index
American Farmland Trust - dedicated to conserving agricultural resources.
Atlantic City Boardwalk - photo essay by Philip Greenspun
Austin USENET Guide to Tamales
Clayzeness Whistleworks at the Pike Place Market
Communications for a Sustainable Future
Community Food Security Coalition
Organizing and Economic Development - resources from around
the country
Curioscape - Antique & Collectible Directory (very useful)
Dally in the Ally - annual Detroit block festival
Day of the Dead - Oaxaca, Mexico
Direct Farm Marketing and Tourism Handbook
The Electronic Activist. Email addresses for some U.S. congressmen, state legislators, newspapers, and television and radio stations.
The Embassy Page: Links to embassies and consulates.
The Enterprise Development Website .
Excavations of the Souk Area, Beirut - American University of Beruit, 1994 - 1995
Fairs On The Net - by International Association of Fairs and Expositions
Farmer's Market Online - cyber market for small family farms and ranches, or producers of specialty food and crafts.
Food From the Hood, Crenshaw High School, South Central LA
Foodlinks - helping market foods of developing countries, an IDRC project.
Globalnet Antiques Marketplace - cyber mall
GUI in da Hood (Telegraph Ave. cyber market - Berkeley, California)
Mahgreb - Virtual tour of the souks
Home-Based and Micro-Business Resource Home Page .
Homelessness, Hitchhiking, Panhandling and Homeless Programs! (Tedrico's Page)
The Human Rights Web Home Page
Idealist - International Economic Development Resources
Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy - Sustainable Ag & Food Security Resources
The Institute for Global Communications
Institute for Retail Studies, U of Stirling (UK)
Intentional Communities Home Page (interesting links)
International Institute for Peace through Tourism
Internet 1996 World Exposition- World's Fair for the Information Age
Ithaca Money Home Page - This local currency can be used to shop at the local Farmers' Market.
The Itinerant Shopper - thrift shop hints by Retro
Letters from Mexico - cool gringo grassroots commentaries on Mexico
Local Currency - a definition and instructions on setting up a system
Lucky W - an amulet archive
Maxwell Street Blues Home Sweet Home Page
Michigan State
University Dept. of Ag Economics -- includes market
information and virtual library
Microcredit Articles in Inc. Online: Selling
telephone calls in Bangladesh and Pros and
Cons of Microloans
Microcredit Summit, February 2-4, 1997
Microenterprise News -
news, views, features related to the informal sector
Mimes at the Pompidou Centre, Paris
Moscow Reminiscence: Personal Photoalbums
National Business Incubation Association
Neighborhood Festivals in Chicago
OneWorld Online- - a worldwide conversation on sustainable human development.
Pakistani Women Improve Their Lot - UNICEF project re sale of native cloth
PEOPLink - cyber marketing for grass roots producers.
The Peoples Economic Opportunity Project of the Lower East Side (New York City)
The Public WebMarket - a cyber market helping rural microenterprises reach global markets.
Real Change (Seattle's Homeless Newspaper)
Rummaging Through Northern California Home Page
San Francisco Diggers (1966-1968)
SKAT - Swiss Centre for Development Cooperation in Technology and Management
The Other Chicago - there's more to Chicago than the lakefront and the Bulls
Today's Market Prices - wholesale prices of fruits and vegetables
Unión Romaní - defending the gypsy community
Unofficial World Class Giant Pumpkin Homepage
Virtual Library on Microcredit (formerly "The Informal Credit Homepage")
William King Server - Cooperative Economics
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