(or post to alt.culture.openair-market).
- with your comments, corrections, suggestions, additional literature
and links we should be aware of. This site intends to be inclusive.
PLEASE, no one should should feel excluded if we have not listed
your research or your market yet. This page is still in its infancy
-- so let us know about missing information.
- with information about open air markets. Try to include location,
hours and dates of operation, types of things sold, vendor and
entrance fees if any, whether it is public, private, non-profit,
or informal, and your overall impression of it.
- about markets or street vendors in jeopardy. Try to include
a description of the problem, citations to articles, names of
advocates (if any) and contacts.
- if you see this guide mentioned in the media.
- if you find any broken links.
- if you can volunteer to be a correspondent on open air markets
in your area.
- ** We also need you to ask your Internet Service Provider
to allow access to "alt.culture.openair-market". **