Centered on Kensington Avenue in the area west of Spadina Avenue and South of College Street, this neighborhood is the jewel of Toronto. This is Toronto's original ethnic neighborhood market place. It began in the early 1900s as a primarily Jewish area. Over the years it became transformed by waves of different immigrant groups, demanding specialty goods at reasonable prices. It has always been characterized by small independent shop keepers. Most shops are open for business seven days a week but the big day for business is Saturday, when the open air market occurs in the streets.
The Kensington Market neighborhood bears many similarities to its U.S. sister, the Maxwell Street neighborhood in Chicago. However, Maxwell Street is facing total demolition while Kensington thrives. Known worldwide for enlightened urban planning, the City of Toronto treasures its immigrant market neighborhood and works with local community groups to preserve it and invests in its future.
Kensington Images (all pictures taken on Sunday, August 10, 1997)
Perfect Jobbers- - Textile Wholesalers 31K
Clothing Stalls 27K
Portugese Meat Market and nearby shops 32K
Used Clothing Seller and Table 24K
Kensington Avenue Sidewalks and Shops 24k
Grossman's Tavern - Blues Club 20K
Regal Gifts, Clothing and Art 31K
Click here for a map.
web page provided by OPENAIR-MARKET NET
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