Dan Keane <dak43@columbia.edu> Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997
Mr. Broski:
I am a blues dee-jay here at Columbia University. Our radio show, on WKCR 89.9 fm, reaches all of New York City and much of the tri-state area (NY, New Jersey, Connecticut). We work hard to preserve the blues as part of this nation's musical heritage. The musicians of Maxwell Street, including Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, and Hound Dog Taylor, electrified blues as it arrived from the South and created a whole new sound. From this new sound comes rock and roll as we know it: Maxwell Street's importance to blues and all modern popular music can hardly be overstated.
All we at WKCR ask is that UIC preserve this street in its reservations of the area. The respect of tradition and history as shown by the renovation of Beale Street in Memphis should serve as an example for this project.
Thank you for your time.
Dan Keane
WKCR 89.9fm New York
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