From Daniel Droixhe, Liège and Brussels Universities, Centre de Philologie et d'Histoire littéraire wallonnes

Daniel Droixhe <> Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997

1er avril 1997

To Chancellor David Broski

Monsieur le Chancellier,

I read that the future of the Maxwell Street District is becoming a subject of debate, among academic authorities of your University. I feel free to send you this message (in my hesitating English), to express the hope that the University of Illinois' plans for redevelopment of this area will integrate its musical patrimony.

I have never been in Maxwell Street. But that seminal place strongly enchants, for years, the imagination of the small group of amateurs with whom my wife and myself we cooperate in the organization of blues activities in Liège area (South of Belgium). During the eighties, we had a radio show ritually beginning with the "Chicago blues history". I hope that the opportunity for an actual journey through that history will not be erased.

Please receive, Sir Chancellor, my best regards and thanks for reading this message.

Professor Daniel Droixhe

Liège and Brussels Universities

Centre de Philologie et d'Histoire littéraire wallonnes

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