From Community Workshop on Economic Development (CWED), Chicago

Willie Hayes<Fax# 312-243-7796> Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997

Dear Chancellor Broski:

The Community Workshop on Economic Development (CWED) supports the efforts to prevent the destruction of a part of Chicago's heritage, Maxwell Street. I am certain that by now you are familiar with the role Maxwell Street played in Chicago's history. Because of this role, CWED wants to see this area's rich cultural history preserved. Moreover, the legacy of Maxwell Street belongs to all of the ethnic communities of Chicago and not the University of Illinois at Chicago. Unfortunately, we can not bring back time, yet I am sure other viable alternatives can be created if the community groups affected by the redevelopment of Maxwell Street are allowed to participate in the decision-marking process.

As a coalition of fifty community-based organizations, CWED possesses a wealth of experience and expertise in the development arena. As a grassroots institution, founded on the principle of development without displacement, we offer our help to you in this matter. Our experience dictates that development can occur concurrently with preserving the historical integrity of Maxwell Street. Our fourteen year experience in economic development affords us certain insights into this particular situation. We would be more than happy to share these insights with you and the University community.

In addition to our general expertise in economic development, CWED has researched tourism trends around the country. From this research, we have developed a preliminary tourism trail that extends from Bronzeville all the way to Pullman on the far south side of Chicago. We will be more than happy to provide you a copy of the findings when the publication is ready for release.

Our interests in community-based economic development and neighborhood preservation, coincide with the University's desire to redevelop Maxwell Street. Moreover, CWED's working relationships with the Center for Urban Economic Development and the Great Cities Institute, and our community organizing experience, would serve as assets to the University in its efforts to redevelop the community without displacing its neighbors.

Mr. Broski, we are at your service. Please feel free to call me if you are interested in finding the best solution to the redevelopment of Maxwell Street.


Willie Hayes

Acting Director

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