Ed Baranowski<Atword@aol.com> Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997
Dear Mr. Broski:
Maxwell Street. What can we say about it's history. I'm sure someone could fill a book the size of the Chicago White and Yellow Pages with their recounts of that famous street.
Being born and raised in Chicago (Bridgeport), I have a fondness for the stories, the culture, the art, the tradition, the sounds, the smells, but most of all the people.
People were the ones who made Maxwell Street what it was and what it could be in the future. How can we forget those who made this traditional Street their home, their lively-hood. It would be a crime to forget the individuals....those people who we are all part of....as men and women of our world. Let's not forget our fellow man.
Keep Maxwell Street.....Preserve it....Be Proud of It.
Ed Baranowski
1824 Sundown Lane
Appleton, WI 54915-4117
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