September 5, 1999

Maxwell Street Video on the Internet

A nine-minute video of Maxwell Street is available for viewing on the Internet. Most of the footage was shot in 1998 and 1999 by James Fraher, Robert Wyrod, and Steve Balkin. There is also some archival footage of Maxwell Street in the 1920s and 1960s. The narrator is Chuck Cowdery and the executive producer is Eliott Zashin.

This short video tries to make the case for Maxwell Street to be fixed up, cleaned up, and saved. While much is gone, much remains. It is living history. Watch the video and see

Click here to see the video.

It may take a few minutes for your computer to spawn the viewer, connect to the server, and buffer the file.

This video is a real video file. Too see it you need to have a version of Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer, Version 4.0 or higher. A Real Video player is built into these webbrowsers. Or you can add a Real Video player to any browser by going to The latest version of the player is G2.

Warning: The quality of this Internet video is just fair. The sound is good but the picture is a bit jumpy and lacks the crisp resolution of the original. If you want to own the original send $10 + $3 postage requesting an original VHS copy to the Coalition.

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