Web page of Dr.
John C. Cross
Professor of Sociology
Cosumnes River College
Office Hours:
M-F 11-12 noon
Office location:
P47 Office phone:
691-7660 email: crossj@crc.losrios.edu
Courses for Fall, 2003
Introduction to Sociology (Soc 300 TTh2-3:25,
BS 125)
Critical Thinking (Soc 305 MWF
10-10:50am CAC138)
Race Relations: (Soc 321 -- MW
1-2:15, BS 125)
(Soc 321 – TTh
12:30-1:45, BS 113)
(Soc 321 --
TTh 4-5:15pm, BS 119)
Courses taught before
Cities and Urbanization in Latin America (Soc/LAST/URBS 282a)
The Urban Informal Sector in Latin America (Soc/LAS/URB 283)
The War on Drugs and US Policy in Latin America (Soc/LAST 286)
Political Sociology (Soc 281)
Other websites maintained by Dr. Cross:
Curriculum Vita
Cyberspace -- Papers and phototours of research in Mexico, Egypt and beyond
-- website focusing on street markets around the world