Delaware/Mid-Atlantic Direct Marketing Conference and Trade Show

-- webpage provided by OPENAIR-MARKET NET

The theme for the 1997 Delaware/Mid-Atlantic Direct Marketing Conference and Trade Show is "Connections". The conference is designed to assist farm retail market operators in their endeavor to stay on top of issues and opportunities in the business of marketing fresh, quality products.

The 1997 conference is designed to give the participant an edge for the future. The program offers a pre-conference workshop on "Maintaining Produce Quality", an evening discussion session on "Sharing Ideas", an ongoing computerized record keeping demo, a general session with "An International Perspective on Connecting to Customers", a northeast perspective on "How Customers Perceive Farm Retail Markets", and twelve concurrent break-out sessions. The concurrent sessions cover many aspects of making connections: to community, electronically, farmers' markets, customers, organic marketing, and your business to the future. Most of the concurrent sessions repeat to allow participants to take in more of the program. The conference concludes with the ever popular feature stories presentations (highlighting operations from North Carolina and Delaware), a banquet, and a one-day post conference tour.

The Delaware hosting of the 1997 Mid-Atlantic Direct Marketing Conference and Trade Show on February 5-8, 1997 marks the 15th consecutive year for the conference. The conference is sponsored by Cooperative Extension,Departments of Agriculture, Farm Marketing Associations (from a five state region), and the Farm Foundation.

Early registration deadline is January 15, 1997. Program and registration information can be obtained by contacting: Carl L. German, Chair '97 MADMC, 230 Townsend Hall, University of Delaware,

Newark, Delaware 19717-1303. Phone: (302)831-1317, E-mail: