For Immediate Release (11/25/98):

Rudy Giuliani: New York's #1 Yankee Employee

by Robert Lederman, President of A.R.T.I.S.T. (Artists' Response To Illegal State Tactics)

Mayor Giuliani, like corporate shills from the worlds of entertainment and sports, is much in demand as a celebrity spokesperson. But, unlike run-of-the-mill celebrity shills, Giuliani can deliver much more than a smiley-faced endorsement.

For billionaire George Steinbrenner Mayor Giuliani has organized parades, rallies, a Charter Revision Committee and 3 million dollars for a "study" on where best to move the Yankees. Surely no man ever had a more valuable employee than "the boss" does in Rudy. Not even a mega star like Michael Jordan could give kids permission to cut school to attend a celebration for Nike.

Giuliani's message as a corporate spokesperson is clear. If you are poor, a minority or believe in free speech you'd better get out of town while you still can. If you are rich, corporate and willing to be part of team Rudy, the "quality of life capital of the world" is yours to do with as you please, no questions asked. Need a $600 million tax write-off to convince the N.Y.S.E. "to stay in New York"? The check is being written as we speak.

It's only a matter of time before Giuliani offers Disney three million to study the feasibility of putting "family fun!" gambling casinos in Times Square. Don't worry. The waitresses and showgirls will all be totally covered up by their Mickey, Goofy and Little Mermaid costumes.

Comments? Contact: Robert Lederman (718) 369-2111; E-Mail:<>.

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