As historic arabbing stables fall to urban renewal, help is needed to provide alternative facilities.

The Arabber Preservation Society, Inc. (APS), a not-for-profit organization, announces the "BUILD-A-STALL" program in which sponsor contributions directly aid in the renovation and subsequent occupation of a much needed new stable facility for the vital produce-vendors and their horses that still clip-clop through the streets and alleys of old Baltimore. Not only does your sponsorship provide a safe warm environment for these ponies displaced by urban redevelopment plans, it affords the opportunity for some lower income people to earn a modest, but honest living. If you participate in Build a Stall Program, we will place an engraved brass plaque with your name above a horse stall.

Immediate action is required to ensure minimum interruption in the arabbing trade. This is an endangered folk tradition. We seek to preserve a living history generations can learn from, but only if we help.

A.P.S., dedicated to Baltimore's arabbing traditions and the health and welfare of the animals used in this street vending art. Please take a moment to view the levels of sponsorship offered and select the one you prefer. If you can't participate in the Build-A-Stall Program, please consider just MEMBERSHIP in the Arabber Preservation Society.

All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged.

Sincerely -- With Warmest Thanks,

Steven A. Blake, President-A.P.S., Inc.


* Sponsor_______________________________________________ $150.00 (U.S.)

* Sustaining Sponsor_______________________________________$250.00 (U.S.)

** Corporate Sponsor______________________________________$500.00 (U.S.)

** Lifetime Sponsor_______________________________________ $1000.00 (U.S.)


*-- Includes brass plaque with sponsor's name engraved above a stall

**-- Also includes a copy of Roland Freeman's book "Arabbers of Baltimore"

MEMBERSHIPS to Arabber Preservation Society

Senior_________________________________________________$8.00 (U.S.)

Student________________________________________________$8.00 (U.S.)

Individual_______________________________________________$15.00 (U.S.)

Husband/Wife___________________________________________$25.00 (U.S.)

Contributing_____________________________________________$50.00 (U.S.)

Sustaining______________________________________________$100.00 (U.S.)

Patron_________________________________________________$200.00 (U.S.)

~Corporate______________________________________________$500.00 (U.S.)

~Life___________________________________________________$1000.00 (U.S.)


~-- Includes a copy of John Sherwood's book "Maryland's Vanishing Lives"

Send your donation to:

Arabber Preservation Society, Inc.

122 South Schroeder St.

Baltimore, Md. 21223 USA

All gifts are tax deductible as permitted by law.

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