Maxwell Street Reprieve: But for how long? (4/17/98)

The order to demolish six key buildings on Maxwell Street has been halted. The demolition of these six buildings was the start of the University of Illinois's move to completely eradicate the remaining 50 historical buildings in the old Maxwell Street area.

Thanks to reporting by local journalists: John McCarron (Editorial Board of the Chicago Tribune), Lee Bey (Architecture Critic of the Chicago Sun Times), Neal Pollack (reporter for the Chicago Reader), Gilbert Jimenez(reporter for the Chicago Sun Times), Angela Nelson (editor of the Chicago Flame) and WGN Television; blues fans sending written protests; and intervention by Terry Teele in the Office of the Mayor, the demolition was put on hold.

For how long will this demolition be halted? It will depend on the sentiment expressed by Blues Fans and those concerned about preserving ethnic history. We urge you to continue sending emails to UIC Chancellor Broski with a copy to us. Visit our Preserve Maxwell Street Homepage for details <>.

We are also asking people to send a note of protest to:

web page provided by OPENAIR-MARKET NET

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