From Randy Wood, Moonlite Express Dixieland Band, Flagstaff, Arizona.

Randy Wood <> Date: Mon, 30 Dec 1996

Dear Mr. Broski,

I have been informed by my jazz-loving friends that the University of Illinois is planning commercial redevelopment of the Maxwell Street area. As this area is of particular historical significance to the cultural development of American music, I would like to encourage you and others involved in the decision-making process of this project to consider incorporating a Maxwell Street Historic Preservation District into your plans.

It was once said by a Nazi official, "Today he plays jazz, tomorrow he betrays his country." The fact that Jazz and other forms of American music were permitted to develop in our country is a significant testament to our freedom. Landmarks to this freedom such as the Maxwell Street area are well worth preserving.


Randy Wood, Moonlite Express Dixieland Band

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