From Kai-uwe Porath, Germany

Kai-uwe Porath<> Date: Sun, 26 Jan 1997

Dear Chancellor Broski,

I´m writing from Germany (so please pardon my poor English). I heard in the WWW about your university's plans concerning the Maxwell Street District in Chicago. I'm rather confused about these plans. In the whole world Maxwell Street is an synonym for "Blues Music" and the history of Chicago and the United States in the Middle of this century.

I hope your university -as an institution of science, teaching and culture - will think about its responsibility for the preserve of a historical and cultural highlight as Maxwell Street one more time. It would be a pity to destroy this place for some parking lots and commercial buildings. It could be a touristical centre as Beale Street or the French Quarter in New Orleans.

With greetings from Europe,

Kai U. Porath

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