From David Goldstein, Cooper City, FL

David Goldstein <> Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997

To: David Broski

I want a Maxwell Street Historic Preservation District incorporated into the University of Illinois's plans for commercial redevelopment of the Maxwell Street area. The existence of Maxwell Street was essential to musicians such as John Primer, Vance Kelly, Otis Rush and the other Chicago blues players.

It gives local musicians a forum for their music to allow further development of this genre. Popular music would not have evolved the way it has if Maxwell Street had not existed. Most of the modern groups, including Fleetwood Mac, Rolling Stones, and Eric Clapton, have been influenced by this music. The influences are not limited to the U.S.A. The Chicago musical heritage is worldwide; there are Chicago bluesmen and women representing Chicago and the U.S.A. in Europe, Japan, and South America. The influences of the Maxwell Street musical style are incorporated into music around the world.

By preserving this National Landmark, you will continue to provide a beacon to musicians around the world. The Arts include music and the Blues is quintessential American music. The University of Illinois at Chicago would do itself proud to be a part of this legacy.

David Goldstein

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