From Corky Siegel, Chicago

Corky Siegel <> Date: Sat, 26 Jul 1997

Hello David and Thank you for your special time:

Music is important because it has the power to (on its own) UPLIFT, HEAL, AND UNIFY humanity. And blues is a most amazing form of music. It is at the root of ALL American Music and has influenced almost every other form of music from around the world. So a monument to this form of music is a major human concern.

May I introduce myself? My name is Corky Siegel. The unique aspect to my career as a performer is that since 1967 I have been presenting the blues to NON-Blues audiences and performers. i.e. New York Philharmonic, Chgo Sym, Boston Sym, Seiji Ozawa, Arthur Fiedler, Aspen Music Fest, Mendocino Chamber Music Fest, Opera Stars, Conductors, etc. In fact I am the only blues player on Deutsche Grammophon the exclusively classical label and I have two recordings on that label that are their best sellers. The reason I am saying this is because I have a first hand experience of how important the blues is to a continuously growing number of people from ALL walks of life.

As just one of many elements of my role in bringing the blues to people and collectives that have never been exposed, I am currently on the board of the Suzuki-Orff School on Chicago Ave. I am bringing the blues to the young classical students and this is greatly appreciated by all and wonderfully effective. The importance of the blues is clear to all in this example... for artistic, psychological, and social- political reasons. And here in Chicago we have a great history ... and monuments to that history that really should not be destroyed.

The one thing that makes America so cool is that it is founded in the search for creative solutions as opposed to quick and sure solutions. In other words, certain changes bring to mind solutions that solve a number of immediate problems but when put into action create in an other way, a greater deficit to the general quality of life for the world or the community. Progress must progress but there is ALWAYS a better way that serves a greater goal. It is exciting to explore these "better" ideas.

It seems to me in this case pulling out all the guns for a "better way" is quite appropriate.

While many of us blues lovers are out there reminding the world how very special the blues is both musically and historically, a smaller group of individuals are pulling a very very important rug out from under us. The rug I speak of is: "Maxwell Street"

Please let me know what I can do to help your committee come up with a better solution for this particular concern.


Corky Siegel

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