From Claudia Blas, Mountain View, California

Claudia Blas <> Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998

Chancellor Broski,

I have just completed reading copies of all the letters sent to you by folks concerned with the proposed changes to Maxwell Street. I don't know if you just delete them without reading, or if you have no heart, but each of those letters touched ME, and I am far removed from both sides of this issue.

I was born in Chicago and raised in the suburbs, and both Maxwell Street and the blues never entered my life. It was only after moving to California, and getting a CD player, that I fell in love with and became addicted to AMERICA'S music. Thank God ! I deeply regret living 15 minutes from Chicago for 24 years and never immersing myself in the history, culture, and deep, deep feelings of blues music.

Regret is a terrible thing, especially when it is unnecessary. Once the ball crashes through the walls of those LIVING buildings that's it - no going back. Your history shall be set. Don't be the one responsible for the destruction of such an important place in American cultural history.

My God, sir, please read about the 67 year old blues musician starving himself, ala Gandhi, to prove to YOU how much Maxwell street means to him, and everyone! Sit down and read those letters - we're trying to stop an American tragedy. Your university has survived just fine for how many years now? Maxwell Street can never be replaced. NEVER.

The coalition is willing to compromise. Why is the first compromise you agreed upon falling apart?

The soul of that place will remain. You'll always be able to smell polish sausages, and if you listen very hard, still hear THE MUSIC. Oh, well.

You don't care. You'll probably never set foot on that sacred ground, anyway.

I hope the spirits and souls of long-gone Maxwell Street musicians can infiltrate your hard heart. I hope you have an awakening. Why don't you put on some Chicago blues and seriously listen to it? Perhaps you can understand what is at stake here.

I hope you come to your senses and do the right thing. God help you if you don't.

Happy New Year.

Claudia Blas

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