Maxwell Street Landmark Letter from:

Carol Mosely-Braun, United States Senator

August 19, 1994

TO: Mr. Jerry Rogers, Keeper of the National Register, Department of the Interior,1849 C Street between 18th and 19th Streets, Washington, D.C. 20240

Dear Mr. Rogers:

The Levine Hillel Center at the University of Illinois has submitted an application to the United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, for a Historic Place designation for the Maxwell Street Market district of Chicago. I am writing to express my strong support for their proposal.

Under National Register Criterion A, "property associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history" qualify for designation as historical place. The Maxwell Street Market district fits this description very well. Between 1880-1944, the intersection of Maxwell and Halsted was host to a busy, vibrant market. People of many different ethnic, religious, and racial groups visited the market, and it is also a place where many important Chicago businesses got started and famous individuals grew up.

There is general agreement throughout the community that the area is historically significant, and deserves a formal designation as such. Therefore, I urge you to give the Levine Hillel Center's proposal your highest consideration.

Thank you for you attention to this important matter.


Carol Mosely-Braun

United States Senator

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