For immediate release: 11/7/99
Contact: Steve Balkin, 312-341-3696; <>

Johnnie Mae Talks to Hillary Clinton

78 year old Blues Legend Johnnie Mae Dunson Smith gave this plea to Hillary Clinton from old Maxwell Street on Sunday, October 31, 1999. She was on old Maxwell Street to entertain and educate visiting students from China who are studying in Chicago in a special MBA leadership program at Roosevelt University. Johnnie Mae was there singing with backup at various times from James Fraher, Frank 'Little Sonny' Scott Jr., Jonathon Hogren, and Jimmie Lee Robinson (The Lonely Traveler).

Johnnie Mae, known as the Queen of Maxwell Street, was born in Alabama and came to Chicago with her family in the 1940s. When she got to Chicago, she headed straight to Maxwell Street. She started playing drums on Maxwell Street for Eddie 'Porkchop' Hines, a drummer and tap dancer. She became one of the very few female drummers in Blues. Among the notable blues musicians she played with was Jimmy Reed who she wrote songs for and played in his band.

A key member of the Maxwell Street Historic Preservation Coalition, she spends much of her time now writing songs, producing a CD, making tapes, practicing her singing, creating folk art canes, doing from-scratch Southern cooking, and going to events to talk and sing about Maxwell Street.

Below are links to hear this two-minute plea to Hillary Clinton to help save Maxwell Street.


Johnnie Mae Dunson's address from Maxwell Street, October 31, 999

Mrs. Clinton, First Lady, my name is Johnnie Mae Dunson Smith. I am a legend musician of 78 years old and a miracle child that wasn't supposed to live to get 14. I came to Maxwell Street in the 40's. This is where I got my start for playing music. Here on Maxwell Street and O'Brien. We know this Chess Records is important and that so many other record companies that was important. But the real truth about Chicago, Maxwell is the home of the Blues. If it had not been for Maxwell Street and all the musicians coming here, playing on the street, getting a start, Chess Records wouldn't never have a lot of artists. I was here in the 40's and also a lot of people. Porkchops let me play his drums. I'm a self-taught drummer, a singer, a song-writer. I would appreciate very much if you would consider us. We need to save Maxwell Street.

Click here to hear Johnnie Mae's bone chilling Blues lament to save Maxwell Street.

If you are moved by what you heard and seen, please send a message to Hillary Clinton to help Johnnie Mae and the millions of blues fans around the world who want to see Maxwell Street saved.

We ask that you send an email or a letter to Hillary Clinton <>

Postal address: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C 20500-0002

And send a copy to


To: Hillary Clinton <>

Cc:, Ellen McCulloch-Lovell <>, Susan Eisenhower <>, Maxwell Street Coalition <>

Johnnie Mae Dunson Smith is available for interviews. You can contact her by emailing the Maxwell Street Historic Preservation Coalition <>.

For more information about Maxwell Street, visit the Maxwell Street Historic Preservation Coalition website <>.

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