From Friar Jim Hoffman ofm, Franciscan House of Mary and Joseph

Friar Jim Hoffman < > Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001

Honorable Richard Daley <>,

I am writing you to ask that you do all that is possible to stop the destruction of buildings and business in the Old Maxwell Street area.

I managed Franciscan House of Mary and Joseph (2715 W. Harrison) for 11 years. The loss of affordable housing in the city of Chicago was a contributing factor to the men and women who ended up homeless and needed our hospitality. In the last few years, we have had to turn away people almost every night because we are full. The more affordable housing that the city and the University of Illinois destroy, the more overnight emergency shelters the city will have to build.

Also, the matter of parking access for St. Francis of Assisi Church is of great importance. Hispanic people need to have access to their church. For Hispanics, even though they may not go to church on a regular basis, their church is extremely important to them in times of need. For Hispanics, their church is their anchor in the world.

The neutering of neighborhoods in Chicago is destroying the basic fabric of Chicago. It is dehumanizing. The Juketown Blues Bandstand needs to be restored.

Where would New Orleans be without Bourbon St. or Memphis without Beale Street? Do you really want to be known as the Mayor who neutered Chicago?


Jim Hoffman ofm

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