Bargain Day Image of Maxwell Street, early 1960s

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This image was sent to us by Tino Gonzalez who lived in the old market area near where this picture was taken. He worked in the old market as a vendor and continues to work in the new market, six blocks east, as a vendor. You can even buy his stuff on the Internet.

This image was taken in the late 1950s, early 60s. The view is of Maxwell Street looking west from, 1/2 block east of the corner of Maxwell and Halsted.

Maxwell Street was the precursor to America's discount malls and pioneered the concept of combining retail selling with entertainment or what's now called shoppertainment.

Maxwell Street was particularly associated with Blues and gospel music. It was also associated with Jazz as many of the jazz bands would buy their clothing down on Maxwell Street. Hal Fox, a musician and tailor in the Maxwell Street area, invented the zoot suit. You can still buy a zoot suit at Hal Fox's store, now moved to Roosevelt Rd. or at Sandy's on Halsted, two blocks north of Maxwell St. So, it is no wonder that this album, promoting this record label's Blues and Jazz stars, would have a picture of Maxwell Street on the cover.

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