The Anti-Giuliani Strike Force and its first event

by Robert Lederman(6/21/99)

provided through OPENAIR-MARKET NET

The Anti-Giuliani Strike Force announces its first event and invites you to attend.

An excellent opportunity to confront, expose and embarrass Mayor Giuliani is at hand. This event has not so far been publicized and is unlikely to be widely known to the media. Due to all guests, including the Mayor, having to board the yacht from a West 23rd Street pier, access to which is from one walkway, demonstrators will be seen and heard by all attendees. The ideal arrival time for you to show up is at 5:30 P.M.

Why bother participating? As "guest of honor" Giuliani will be congratulating himself for allegedly "taming" New York City, cutting crime and improving the economy. Making his crimes against the people of New York City the topic of conversation among the wealthy individuals at this event may throw him off and cause him to say or do something that will damage his chances. If nothing else, we can make sure that the audience knows there is a resistance movement to Giuliani.

This and all future events by the AGSF will be a non-violent. We neither seek, need or want a permit from the NYPD or the Mayor in order to lawfully demonstrate. We have no intention to break any NYC law and no trespassing or other illegal actions are necessary to accomplish the goal of having our message seen and heard. All you need to bring is your voice, a sign and a willingness to confront the Mayor. Everything we will do is fully protected by the First Amendment. In the event false arrests are made in order to silence us we intend to file lawsuits against the Mayor and any police officials working on his behalf who illegally censor our speech. We encourage you to bring a tape recorder, video camera, disposable still camera (with flash) or other means to document this action and to use in the event that there are one or more false arrests.

The following invitation was provided by a member of the

Anti-Giuliani Strike Force.

>From the Giuliani fundraiser invitation:

You are cordially invited to join Klara and Larry Silverstein on board their motor yacht -The Silver Shalis- for a dinner cruise in support of our guest Mayor Rudy Giuliani Wednesday, June 23rd. Board at 6:00 p.m. (South Side of Pier 60) West 23rd St. and Hudson River Suggested contribution: $1,000 per person. Business attire and rubber soled shoes, please.

What is the Anti-Giuliani Strike Force?

We are activists from a variety of groups and movements united by a common goal: to prevent Rudolph Giuliani from attaining higher office. In the months ahead we plan to show up at fund-raisers, political speeches, photo-ops etc. at which the Mayor will be present. Among our members are people who have a great deal of experience in the streets, in the media and in court opposing the Mayor.

This is not going to be another group with lots of meetings. We are action oriented. When a Giuliani event becomes known to us we will send out an announcement by fax, email and phone. Whoever shows up to participate is welcome.

Some of us have worked together in previous groups, coalitions and actions. Among us are street artists, cabbies, ex-cops, lawyers, CUNY students, community gardeners, small business owners, public school teachers, librarians, vendors, gays, lesbians and other community activists. Unlike other excellent coalitions and groups that already exist to oppose Giuliani, we are not limiting the focus of our actions to just one issue, such as saving gardens, artists' rights, racism or police brutality.

Participants include individuals from a variety of political viewpoints and political parties. Being against Giuliani doesn't automatically mean we support Hillary Clinton or other politicians that may run against him. For us, standing up against Giuliani is a worthwhile end in itself. We welcome your participation and comments.

For more information contact:

Robert Lederman, President of A.R.T.I.S.T. (Artists' Response To Illegal State Tactics), (718) 369-2111



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