Plea to Save Arabbers (12/23/95)

Dear Friend of the Arabber.

We are in a desperate crisis as we approach the end of our second year of organization. Baltimore's traditional horse-cart street vendors continue to struggle against unfair generalizations, prejudice, and insensitive government policy as well as the economic and physical difficulties encountered by self employed vendors everywhere.

Baltimore's hundreds of stables have been reduced in recent years to only four, one of which is scheduled for demolition by a "quasi-public" urban renewal program. This puts many older "retired" ponies at great risk. Meanwhile, animal rights zealots continue their crusade to rid our city of all horses -- by any means necessary.

As an Arabber Preservation Society (A.P.S.) member, you can help us defend the rights of Arabbers and their horses to continue this colorful, necessary, and beneficial lifestyle. Of course, your gift is tax deductible as permitted by law. As President and a founding member of A.P.S. , I urge your support for these men and their animals to continue this centuries old folk tradition. Please help.


Steven A. Blake - President, Arabber Preservation Society, 122 S. Schroeder St., Baltimore, MD 21223.

Until the APS gets an e-mail address, you can send e-mail to them in care of OPENAIR-MARKET NET <>.

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